What is she doing up there? Yikes, is she like that all the time? Holy crap that is loud! These are all comments by my friends visiting my home. Those of you that have been to my condo know that I have an extremely loud upstairs neighbor named Marie. She is a very sweet old lady, but she walks as if she had cinder blocks tied to the bottom of her feet! It is making this paticular commandment very difficult for me to abide by. Every day she also goes into each of her bathrooms and continues to bang on the floor for 45 seconds (I'm not even kinding, I timed it!). What Could she be doing???!!!!! I am not sure, but it is getting old especially now that Shelby is waking up from her naps because of Marie and her elephant feet. Ocassionally it sounds as if she is running a marathon in our tiny little condo back and forth back and forth! Somebody please help me or there may be a story of a mother gone mad with a shotgun on her neighbor in the news tomorrow! I love Marie, I love Marie, I love Marie, I love Marie! (Positive thinking right.)