It has been almost two weeks since I had my surgery and since Libby has gotten to come home. We are so blessed to both be alive and doing well, I know that it was the many prayers of family and friends and the many priesthood blessings that I was lucky enough to
receive. We have seen many miracles this summer both big and small. My surgery went well, I was supposed to be an outpatient but there was some infection around the "mysterious ball" that was removed so I needed to stay one more night in the hospital. It was the size of a tennis ball and I sure am happy that it is gone because it was very painful. The doctors are still baffeled by it and can't figure out what, why, and how. The gallbladder is also gone and the pathology report came back to say that I had at least 60 more small stones in there that were "perfect size" to cause more damage. We figure I passed about 12 stones and I am really glad that I don't have 60 more to go! Doctors say that I should be feeling better in about 2 weeks or so and I am sure that my parents will be happy to finally get to go home. It has been wonderful and a huge help to have them with us this summer; I don't know how we would have made it without them.
As for Libby she got to come home the same day that I did from the hospital Aug. 27th. It sure has been nice to finally have our whole family home, as a mother it just never felt right to put my new little baby back inside her "incubator". I have had many feelings of guilt that I wasn't able to keep her in the womb longer, but she is now doing great and is our little miracle baby. One major blessing is that the NICU put her on a schedule so she eats every three hours and sleeps really well in between so the nights have been relatively easy. Nursing has been so much better this time around, Libby is a champ and gets right down to business. She loves to go for walks and she loves to have Shelby talk to her.
Shelby has adjusted extremely well! She is really glad to have mom home and she adores Libby. The other day when I was feeding Libby, Shelby came us and said "I sing" and then she started to sing Popcorn popping on the aprocot tree with hand motions and all. It was so precious and I am sure that I will have many more moments like that as the girls get older. She still loves to read, go to the park, go to nursery at church and she really loves our new house it is tough to get her to want to leave.
Jon has been working a ton and loving what he is doing. His new office is opening this Tuesday and we are really excited. It is so beautiful! I will take pics and post them. He also is really stoked because it is hunting season and he got his Birthday present early (I know I am a sucker). I got him a new pair of Binoculars since his got stolen in Vegas; he is like a fat kid in the candy shop with his new toy. I am so grateful for my husband and how he has been my rock through this whole experience. He lets me cry when I need to cry and makes me laugh to lighten our situation. I am so blessed to have him in my life and Love him to pieces. Thanks hun for being so strong and being the man that you are, your girls love ya!
I am sorry this post is so long, but I just thought I would update everyone. I will post pictures when I have a little more energy. I look forward to reading all of your blogs and catching up on what is going on with someone other than me! Thanks again for all your prayers and support, your flowers and gift baskets (which I loved!), and above all your Love!