While in the hospital I really tried hard to eat so that they wouldn't have to put in another pick line and I got my calorie count up to 1300 so that was just enough to go home without needing to be fed by tubes. I am so excited because right now I don't have ANY Iv's, picks, needles, or pokes (showers are so much easier) I am surviving completely on my own which makes me way Happy. After 4 weeks of constantly having something in you it feels so good to be free. My doctor says that if I don't loose anymore weight at each appt. I can stay off the feeding stuff. I lost 18 lbs in the hospital so I guess that is only a good thing when you are not pregnant. Libby is still thriving and we are going to hopefully be able to keep her in there until 37 weeks which is 5 weeks away. Thank you again for all of your prayers I know the Lord has blessed me in so many ways because of all the prayers and faith of you. I feel very blessed to be home and have the family and support that I do. My parents are still here and they are doing so much for Jon and I that I don't know if we can ever repay them. My mom cleans the house, does the laundry, cooks every meal, gives Shelby baths, plays with Shelby and waits on me hand and foot. I don't know how she does it, but she is amazing and I love her so much. My dad mows the lawn, pulls weeds, got our backyard finished, got the fence installed, gets all my perscriptions, and runs any errand that needs to be done. We are so lucky to have them around and helping us even though it isn't easy for them to live here for a month now with no real end in sight. Thank you!
This is the pick line