Well for Shelby's birthday we had a blast! Grandma and Grandpa Hammons came to town to celebrate with us. Shelby got a new bike(G&G Hammons), her hat and gloves, a puzzle(Neighbors), a few books, a awesome singing toy (G&G Scott), and a marble maze game. I am really bad at remember to take pictures during the moments so this is what I got. That night we went to PoJo's which is like a chucky cheese. She had a blast as you can see in the pictures.

Check out my new Hat!

Grandpa Hammons helping (pushing) her along.

She has the same problem as her mother; she can't keep her feet on the pedels. My dad had to duck tape my feet to the pedels before I finally got it.

Just chillin on her new ride!

Still loving her hat and telling us all about it.

Daddy helping her ride the horse

Dumbo was kinda boring as you can tell on her face

Merry go round and around and around. This got very old for the adult with her, but shelby thought it was awesome.

I was there too.

She loved this motorcycle.

Our very first picture of all 4 of us. We didn't have a traditional begining with Libby so it has been hard to all be somewhere without someone in the hospital or feeling yucky. But here we are and we are happy!

Grandpa helping Shelby "Fly High"

Fred Flinstones ride.

Ice cream and candles, HUMMM I didn't think this through did I? O'well she loves Ice cream the most.

Grandma was there too, she was just always so busy keeping the party running that she was behind each and every scene.
Well we had such a great day and it was extra special that my parents would drive all the way up here just to be there for our little angel. We are so blessed in so many ways. I get a little teary eyed anytime that I think about Shelby getting older, she is growing up so fast. It seems like this summer she went from a little baby to a toddler in a hurry. She is talking up a storm and is extremely helpful around the house and in the kitchen. I sure love being a mom and I am so lucky to have another little miracle in my life to get to raise. Happy Birthday Shelby, we sure love you!