So I know it has been Forever since I have blogged and one of these days I may go back and update some of the fun things we did, but since my life is a little crazy we will just go from here. With that said I have had my very first official snowday. Despite going to school in the American Sibera I have NEVER had a day where school and work has been cancelled until last week that is. Both work and school were rescheduled so we decided to take advantage of the PERFECT snow and make a snowman and snowball soup! Here are some pics of our fun day.
Here is Ellie helping the best way she know how, by singing and laughing in her sled.
All the girls hard at work!
Ellie is dressed and ready to get out in the snow. (no make-up happens on snow days OK!)

Libby putting ballons on the plant snowman that she made. She also refused to keep gloves on so, Mom I did try :)

Shelby making snow angels.

Our 9 1/2 foot snowman, they were having to much fun to stop and pose for the camera so this is the best one we could get.

Jon and Libby with the finished product, Libby is extremely proud of her balloon idea for the tounge.
Libby putting ballons on the plant snowman that she made. She also refused to keep gloves on so, Mom I did try :)
Shelby making snow angels.
Our 9 1/2 foot snowman, they were having to much fun to stop and pose for the camera so this is the best one we could get.
Jon and Libby with the finished product, Libby is extremely proud of her balloon idea for the tounge.
Well needless to say we had a great time and the girls had so much fun that we all skipped a nap and made hot chocolate when we finally came inside. I am going to try to be better at posting, but let's be honest, I am super busy and my computer moves at an incrediable slow rate!!