Thursday, January 10, 2008

Playing Kitchen

This is her face when we found her with the bowl of cream of wheat. (can you say guilty?)
Yes, she is licking the bowl!
Notice all the cream of wheat on her face and in her hair.
This is the best game EVER!

For Christmas Shelby got a bunch of kitchen stuff. Including the actual kitchen, fake food, pot and pans, pot holders, an apron, and other kitchen utensils. Needless to say she has LOVED it all, but it is quite funny because now she wants to "play kitchen" with EVERYTHING. If Jon and I ever leave a bowl and spoon out; guess who will be stirring our dinner in a matter of seconds. The other morning I fed Shelby cream of wheat and then had to leave the room for a second and Jon and I found her having a blast with the remains of her breakfast.


Molly said...

I wish I had a Shelby Dishwasher. How stinkin cute!

Abby said...

i love her face in the first pic. she is so cute!!