The next weekend we went to Salt Lake for a wedding of a great family friends. We stopped to see some of our very best dental school buddies Brooke and Darren and it was so much fun letting the kids play and catching up on things, even though we talk all the time it was nice to see them in person.

Rylee, Libby, Logan, and Shelby outside of Mimi's cafe in Salt Lake area.
This trip went even smoother and we were able to meet my parents there and stay at the same hotel which was so fun. After the wedding the girls and I hitched a ride to St. George to spend 11 days with the family and cousins. Poor Jon got very lonely and bored, but at least it was quiet...right? We had so much fun swimming every day, going to "what women want" this is a huge convention that has tons of booths set up with things that women would want (purses, bows, hats, shoes, jewlery, photography, books, diet things, etc) SO FUN!!! Shopping and crafting.
Shelby was so excited because she got to have her 1st sleepover with her cousin Kallie (Jamie's little girl) and they had a blast doing girly things. Jamie and I had a blast to because we NEVER get to just talk without interruptions anymore! Then a couple nights later we got to do it again but Matt's wife Haley and their little girl Macey got to come too so Libby had a little cousin. We crafted until who knows what time and the next day we paid for it, but I loved every second of it. p.s. thanks for teaching me how to do the watch bands "for real" this time and all the other things too. Here are some pics of all the cousin time. We also had some movie nights so Shelby and her cousins could eat popcorn and watch movies. Unfortunatley I forgot my camera both times we were with Jamie's family so they got kinda let out of the pics. SAD!!!
Cru, Shelby, and Treyson hanging out at Grandma's house the first night that we were there. They were all so excited to see each other!
Cru and Shelby eat root beer popsicles. These two are 6 days apart and are the best of friends when they see each other. ADORABLE!
Treyson, Shelby, and Cru for movie night. they are cheesin' it up for me obviouisly.
Grandpa and Shelby watching cartoons together. Since Grandpa actually had to kinda raise Shelby alone for a couple weeks these two have a very special bond with each other.
Koda and Treyson doing something that Grandma didn't want them too. climbing down the hill between the two houses.
Grandma and Shelby eating on the front porch after swimming. These two are so fun to watch.
Aunt Haley and Macey after swimming!
Macey is stoked to have her picture taken... Right?
Treyson being a big helper when the wind blew our napkins out the gate!
Here is Macey's back, Aunt Jamie, Kallie, Uncle Matt, Treyson, Kaden, and Shelby. Sorry it's the best we could do.
Me and Shelby (libby is almost always in bed when the camera comes out so in my defense she was there just sleepy.)
Cruey Louie
Kole, Treyson, Macey, Libby, Kaden, Shelby, Cru, and Kallie the only one missing is Koda because he was in Vegas with his daddy. I didn't think Jamie would like Kallie's face so I posted two pics with everyone looking cute in at least one of them.
The grandkids again!
Kole 1, Libby 9 months, and Macey 1
Shelby got really confortable in the water! this is her waiting to be taken to the shower.