Friday, January 30, 2009
Library Basket
I feel like I am in College again!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Mom, When Chocolate come home?
This is Shelby and her traced body. She was so excited to take a picture that she couldn't lay there still.
Shelby wanted to stand on the bench because that is how I took the picture of her and her colored self. "take picture of me mom, on my bench!"
Friday, January 2, 2009
The Scott Yearly Recap

Better Late than Never!
Okay stockings "say cheese" after we put Shelby down for a nap Jon and I decided that we would look at the pictures that she took. We were really shocked when we turned on the camera and it said that she had taken 279 pictures in 1 hour. Most of them were of the ground or her feet and almost all of them were blurred because a 2 year old can't hold still to take a picture she is already off to take the next one!
Anyways our Christmas was really fun especially since this was our first year to ever have our very own Christmas with just our little family. We had a blast! The next day we were off to Idaho Falls to visit Jon's family and meet his sisters Fiance from England. The roads were awful so it took us close to 7 hours when it is only supposed to be a 4 -41/2 hour drive. Luckily the girls are awesome in the car so it was no big deal except we just had less time to spend with our family and friends there. (I forgot my camera on this trip too so there are no pics. but I will still bore you with my details.) We stayed with my really good friend Heidi (the one who takes the amazing pics of our family) it is always fun to hang out with her and even if we haven't spoken for a long time we just pick right back up and it seems as if no time has passed at all. In fact we stayed up till 2 the first night because we had so much to talk about, we felt like we were back in college. P.S. Heidi I know you are blog stalking me so leave a message!!!!
Anyway then we went over to Jon's best bud Josh's house and met their kid who is already 1 year old. He was adorable! We spent an hour or so and then we were off to Jon's parents house to have lunch and hang out. We visited for a while and then went over to Grandpa Wirkus's house to have Schnizel (I don't know how to spell it) and Huckelberry ice cream. It was so yummy and I wanted to eat more, but there was No room in the inn! Then we went back to Heidi's house and played Rock Band all night, which we are all amazing at by the way. Jon is now convinced that we need to get this game, thanks a lot Heidi! After another late night we finally decided we weren't that young anymore nor were we very good at Rock Band so we went to bed. The next morning we went to Jon's parents fixer uper house and looked through it. It will be really nice when it is done, but for now there is a lot of fixing up to do. They love all that kind of stuff though so it should be fun. We then loaded up in the truck and had another LONG drive home since the roads were still really bad!!! All in all it was a great trip and a great Christmas so we can't complain.